Digital Twin Test Method for Autonomous Vehicles based on PanoSim
摘要:This paper proposes an intelligent car testing and evaluation methodbased on digital twins, which is crucial for ensuring the properfunctioning of autonomous driving systems. This method utilize...
l 耕耘不辍,丰收可期—成功入围“尖兵”研发攻关计划日前,浙江省科学技术厅公示了2023年度第一批“尖兵”“领雁”研发攻关计划项目。由浙江绿色智行科创有限公司牵头,联合浙江亚太机电股份有限公司、浙江天行健智能科技有限公司(PanoSim)及北京航空航天大学宁波创新研究院申报的“线控底盘系统研发及自动驾驶车辆产业化”项目成功入围“尖兵”研发攻关计划!“尖兵”“领雁”研发攻关计划是由浙江省级财政...
l 星光不问赶路人,岁月不负有心人近日,浙江省科学技术厅公示了2023年度第一批“尖兵”“领雁”研发攻关计划立项项目。由浙江天行健智能科技有限公司(PanoSim)牵头,联合浙江大学、浙江绿色智行科创有限公司、浙江省计量科学研究院及福瑞泰克智能系统有限公司申报的“自动驾驶仿真软件及数字孪生应用”项目成功入围“领雁”研发攻关计划!l 御风而行,方可扶摇直上“尖兵”“领雁”研发攻关计划是浙江省科...
GPS Modeling for Vehicle Intelligent Driving Simulation
In recent years, intelligent vehicles have become one of the major research topics in vehicle engineering and have created a new opportunity for the automotive industry. Simulation and real experiment
Research on a Simulation Method of the Millimeter Wave Radar Virtual Test Environment for Intelligen
This study addresses the virtual testing of intelligent driving, examines the key problems in modeling and simulating millimeter wave radar environmental clutter, and proposes a modeling and simulatio
Research on Millimeter Wave Radar Simulation Model for Intelligent Vehicle
Radar simulation models can effectively overcome the drawbacks of real vehicle experiment and speed up the development process of intelligent vehicle technologies based on millimeter wave radar via vi
Method and Applications of Lidar Modeling for Virtual Testing of Intelligent Vehicles
With the common use of lidar sensors on intelligent vehicles, the simulation of lidar in autonomous driving is necessary. This study proposes an innovative lidar modeling method, and introduces soluti
Anchor Generation Optimization and Region of Interest Assignment for Vehicle Detection
Region proposal network (RPN) based object detection, such as Faster Regions with CNN(Faster R-CNN), has gained considerable attention due to its high accuracy and fast speed.
Deep learning-based vehicle detection with synthetic image data
Deep convolutional neural network (CNN)-based object detectors perform better than other kinds of object detectorsin recent development. Training CNNs ...
A Generation Method of Synthetic Images with Reduced Domain Gap for Car Demain Gap for Car Detection
Deep learning has become the main way of the objectdetection task for autonomous vehicles. Meanwhile, this methodtypically requires vast amounts of training data to reach theirfull potential. However,
A Maneuver-Based Threat Assessment Strategy for Collision Avoidance
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are being developed for more and more complicated application scenarios, which often require more predictive strategies with better understanding of driving e
Driving Behavior Prediction at Roundabouts Based on Integrated Simulation Platform
Due to growing interest in automated driving, the need for better understanding of human driving behavior in uncertain environment, such as driving behavior at un-signalized crossroad and roundabout,
Scene Understanding in Deep Learning-Based End-to-End Controllers for Autonomous Vehicles
Deep learning techniques have been widely used inautonomous driving community for the purpose of environmentperception. Recently, it starts being adopted for learningend-to-end controllers for complex
An integrated control strategy for eco-driving of intelligent hybrid vehicles
Minimum energy cost with comfort drivingcharacteritics define the ideal human mobility. Recenttechnological advances in most of the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADASs) equipped on electric vehi
MPC-based Path Tracking Control with Forward Compensation for Autonomous Driving
Path tracking is a fundamental and important part of the automated vehicles, which ensures the vehicle to drive along the desired path accurately. Although great progress has been made in path trackin
Research on Control Method of Self-driving Vehicle Based on Adaptive Fuzzy PID
In the control of self-driving vehicles, PID controllers are widely used, because of their simple structure and good stability. However, in a complex self-driving environment, different scenarios have
Intention Prediction and Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium-Based Decision-Making Framework for Auton
Decision-making in uncontrolled intersection is one of the main challenges in urban autonomous driving. This paper proposed a new decision-making framework in uncontrolled intersection based on the in
Research on the Classification and Identification for Personalized Driving Styles
More and more Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are entering the market for improving both driving safety and comfort. To improve the system performance, in particular, the acceptance and adap
Development and Verification of Traffic Confrontation Simulation Test Platform Based on PanoSim
With the continuous development of smart vehicles, the accuracy requirements of smart vehicles are getting higher and higher, so the simulation test of smart vehicles is becoming more and more importa
Preceding vehicle following algorithm with human driving characteristics
We adjusted the weight vector ofthe reward function so that the value vector of the RL model could continuously approach that of a human driver. Afterdozens of rounds of training, we selected the poli
2021年9月24日,由中国人工智能学会(CAAI)、国际欧亚科学院中国科学中心(IEAS-China)联合中共嘉兴市委、嘉兴市人民政府共同主办的“中国国际智能网联技术论坛(China International Forum on Intelligent & Connected Technologies, CIIC)”在红船精神发源地-浙江嘉兴隆重举行。CAAI名誉理事长、中国工程院院士、大...
伴随智能网联汽车和智能交通技术的蓬勃发展,作为其基础支撑技术的V2X(Vehicle to Everything)的探索与实践还将带动“人-车-路-云”协同车联网新型基础设施体系的建设与完善,助力5G、人工智能等信息通信技术在垂直行业的应用推广,促进实现汽车和交通服务的新模式新业态发展。PanoSim将产品和能力汇聚成完善的V2X解决方案,助力主机厂/Tier1/科研机构/测试场等在车路协同...